
Donate to BHCS Boosters

We rely on public donations to fulfill our mission. We do not accept any school or tax-payer funding. Support our work by making a financial contribution and when you participate in one or more of the following efforts.

GIVE online

Click to make a secure donation online via PayPal. 

Become a Sustaining Booster when you spread out your gift with a monthly recurring donation of any amount. 

Donate by Mail

Checks made out to BHCS Boosters can be mailed to: 

BHCS Boosters
PO Box 1121
Blue Hill, ME

More Ways to Support BHCS Boosters

We offer a number of options that are considered passive fundraisers. These activities generate revenue based on your purchases.  

We do not participate in fundraisers that are already taking place at BHCS or present a conflict of interest. We do not sell discount cards or coupon books. BHCS Boosters is a nonprofit organization recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.